Thursday, August 13, 2009

I'm In Houston!!!

I can't believe I am in Houston!!
Here is a clip of my Grandad picking us up in Giddings....

I'll post more tomorrow if there is time.


  1. Did Grandad help you post the video? Very cool. I hope you get a chance to write again and let us know what activities you are doing with Nana and Grandad.

  2. Anna, I am glad you guys are having so much fun in H-town! Looking forward to your next post.

  3. How cool is it that you have a video on your Blog?!!! Neato! Looks like you guys are having a great time. Can't wait to hear more!

  4. Hi Anna. I am still VERY sad here in Austin. First of all ALL of my friend's are out of town (including you) And i'm stuck here at home doing nothing at all and YOU have all these picture's and video's on your blog (Witch really i dont have a problem with i think it's cool!)a LOT of your family and friend's (Including me) read your blog and post comment's and almost EVERY SINGLE post i make on my blog dosent EVER get read so of cours i cant read any new stuff and contributor's (witch in some case i am one of them) But i dont know...You absoultly HAVE to teach me how to post video's and picture's up on my blog too! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASSSE! -Heather P.S. have fun in Houston! Oh and while your there ask your nanny and granpa if and Colin can go to A.the down-town museum of Houston B.the aquarium of Houston or C. Both

  5. Hey Anna! Its your cousin, Beverly :-D Your Auntie Emily told us about your blog...You are a remarkable writer. I am so excited you have a blog because it will be easier for me to keep up with you while I'm at college.

    I love you sweetheart!

    -Cousin Bevie-

  6. Anna! I have to say I have already started to miss your blog posts. Won't you please write another? Love you!

  7. I agree, it has been a week and I've checked for more virtually daily. Miss you sweetpea!
