Sunday, August 2, 2009

i feel horrible, horrible, horrible. :-(

Turned out, the play-date w/ heather went HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!! You see, we made these skirts, and mine turned out lovely. Heather's was not very impressive. We got into quarreling when she said, "I am going to give my skirt to my mom's day care kid, Frankie." THAT broke my heart. I thought we would wear them to school every other day. I don't want to talk about it. To make the rest of the story short, Heather went home early. But, mommy got a picture of my gorgeous skirt!! ;-)

and my gorgeous brother!!! I love you, Colin!!!


  1. Aw, sorry your play date didn't work out so well. Sewing takes a lot of practice, and you've probably had more experience than Heather. I hope you and Heather can get past this and still be great friends.
    (And your skirt looks great!)

  2. So sorry the play date turned out not so good.

  3. Anna,do you not know that i read this stuff to? I mean i wouldent just forget about your blog like i know that you haveent. (But if you have forgotentten about my blog it's OK?) So ya i know that we already worked it out on the phone and were all OK with the whole skirt situwation but i have to addmit i am a little bit afendded that you did'ent think that my skirt looked verry good! It looked just as good as your's! And by the way Frankie LOVED the skirt! I mean i showed it to her and she raised her little arm's in the air and said "Over!"Over! Witch for cute little Frankie mean's putt he skirt over my head and down onto my waist NOW!!!!! So i did and it was REALLY big on her so i just bunched it up in the back and put the bunch into pace with a hair-band so she did'ent trip on it or anything. We turned on the raideo and when the 1st song came on she twrlled around with her skirt on! It was SOOOO CUTE!!!! Anna. mabey we could try another play-dadte some other time. OK?
