Friday, August 28, 2009

... and further more .....

Here's how my day went from getting of the bus:

I get of the bus. I look behind me. Colin hops off. I head down the street, running. I reach my house, Colin in front of me. We enter. I play piano. Colin tells Daddy he had a bad day. He got a blue. Even worse than yesterday, a yellow. Orange is Well Done, Green is Good, Yellow is a warning, and so on. Red is the worse; A day in the office. I Hop on the computer. I start posting.


  1. We all have bad days every now and then. The best we can do is learn from them.
    Glad you're still enjoying piano! Did ballet start up again, too?

  2. Hope Col has better days ahead. You must have got to the piano first or Colin O woulda been on it!

  3. Ouch! Good thing those colors "wash off" so to speak and tomorrow starts fresh with a whole rainbow of possibilities.
    I love you and think it is so fun to read your point of view.

  4. Ya well now thati look at it i see and hear you at school it look's all so natrull...Well...Umm...Have fun...
