Monday, August 24, 2009

1st DAY O' SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe tomorrow is the 1st day of school!!! This summer and 2nd grade went by soooo fast!!! My teacher's name is Mrs. A. I got to pick my seat. I settled myself near my friend KC. On the end of my table, JB was located there, and to my left, IZ took a seat there. My brother got the teacher he wanted, Mrs. R. Boy, he has all the luck!!! I wanted Mrs. C. My other friend HL, my best friend in 2nd grade, Got Mrs. C. :-( Well, at least I have my good friends, Vin, BW, & Ee. Kids, congratulations on going up a grade!!!


  1. Can't wait to hear how your first day was! I always loved the first day, especially all the new school supplies. I loved the possibilities of a fresh notebook and freshly sharpened pencils. Hope it's a great year for you Anna!

  2. How is school? I love school! Paige and Graham are so happy in their schools. Evie wants to go to school too!
