Monday, July 19, 2010

Hola from Chile!!!

Hi everyone! I miss you guys so much! As I am typing, I have to say that everything is differnt! The keyboard is soooo weird because it has akward things like this: ñ. Even if it is funky, Santiago, Chile, is so beautiful! It has busy streets that are pretty and peppy. If you guys put you address in th comment place I will send you a postcard. So sorry I have not blogged. :''''=(

Sunday, June 6, 2010

NEW HAMSTER!!!!!!!!!

I got a new hamster a few days ago. Her name is Chewy, and I love her already. She is a teddy bear hamster, and you can feed her by hand! She is nocturnal, too. She's sleeping right now, and at night you can hear her running on her wheel. I got her for all "A's" all school year long. Second year in a row!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Baby Birds

A mother cardinal decided to make her nest in our peach tree this spring. Today, Collie Ollie and I were playing in the pit. I decided to check on the eggs to see if they were there. To my surprise, there were 3 baby birds in there where the eggs were! I almost screamed in surprise! The baby birds were so adorable! Their eyes are still closed, and their bills look soft and useless. Collie says you can see there blood and veins. I told Collie, he told Daddy, and I told Mommy.

Love you all,

Sunday, April 11, 2010


YES!!! I'M 9 YEARS OLD!!!!!

I had my birthday last week.
I can't believe that I'm nine. . . . .

On the flip side, I can't wait for 10. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I am not kidding. There was at least 1 inch of snow!!!!! There were 3 or 4 snowmen, 23 snowball fights, and 3,000 laughs.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Life is busy. . . . . . . . .

Birthday Wish List:

1. tent
3. notepads
4. gift card
5. notebooks
6. american girl doll
7. fabric
uh................ send you the rest later.
