Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sick, Sick, Sick :- (

Today I am at Mommy's work, Brodie Animal Hospatal. I felt too terrible to go to school, So Mommy let me come here. I have a really, really sore troat. Yesterday, When Mommy came to pick me up to go to ballet, My throat hurt so much that I burst in to tears. I didn't go to ballet. Instead, we went to the doctor's office at 5:15. I was glad I didn't have strep troat. As I am typeing, after every sentence or so, I drink a sip of red tea. The doctor said to drink fluids. ( like water, not the real fluid. LOL!!) And this tea is nice at the back of my throat. I feel kind of lonely. Well, at least sweet Franchesca is here to keep me company. But still, Franchesca is kind of lonely, too, so I am kind of bored..... And I miss my friends at school, too. I am kind of tired; so I am going to stop posting.



  1. I shudder to think what you think "the real fluid" is. Red tea sounds like a great choice. I favor a tea called Throat Coat when I feel the way you describe. They even have a children's version with little quips and jokes on the teabag wrappers. I also like chicken noodle soup from Whole Foods on days like these. Love you, sorry you are sick! Big Auntie hugs coming your way from Houston!

  2. Aw, so sorry you aren't feeling well. I've been sick with a virus that started as a bad sore throat. And you describe being sick so well. I always feel bored, but still don't feel well enough to do my usual activities. Best just to lay low and let your body recover. Oh, and drink lots of liquids. :-) Love you!

  3. Hey Anna it will be OK...by the time you get back in school you will be as happy as happy can be! Hey Anna remember this:I am a pretty little dutch girl. as pretty as pretty can be be be. all the boy's in my home town.they all want to mary me me me. Hee-hee-hee!
